Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A happy bloggy birthday!

Today is the 1st anniversary of Ip & Audrey. I can't believe it's already been a year since I started this blog! Ip & Aud began as a fashion class assignment. I wasn't sure where it was going and began by writing fashion essays, a few book and runway reviews, and finally started "style blogging" in the winter.

As many of you know, the title of my blog is a reference to Audrey Hepburn and her pet deer, Pippin ("Ip" for short). I have many style icons, from Birkin to Bardot to even Bilson, but Audrey will always be my favorite. I know many of you feel the same-- there's just something about her timeless elegance that could never be surpassed. When it came time to think up a blog title, there was simply no better inspiration.

I'm happy to join the ever-growing network of fashion and style blogs. A few months ago I received this sweet award from Emily that fits Ip & Audrey perfectly:

I'd like to pass it along to Sarah, Jessica, Sophie & Raquel. You're all wonderful and lovely!

Thanks to everyone who keeps stopping by. More fun, summery posts coming soon!


  1. happy blogiversary honey! and thank you so much for the award, I've already got it from Emily too :)

  2. Aww happy birthday! So excited for you, and thanks for the award :)

  3. Happy blogiversary! :)

    It's crazy how a year has already passed since we began our blogs. I'm glad you talked me into it, it's been fun :)

  4. happy blog-versary!! Hope your blog keeps growing! And thanks darling for the award! ^-^


  5. Happy Blog Birthday! Pull out the cake and candles!

  6. Congratulations! Love that you put up a description about the name behind your blog. I am always curious about little things like that! And yours is perfect!! Audrey is so timeless as you said. She's so classy that she'll always be remembered.



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