Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday morning musings

I need more caffeine to fuel this busy day! Does anyone else have a serious case of the Mondays? Blech.

Some Ip & Audrey news... I was recently featured as a "Fashionista of the Day" over at A Country Girl Blogs. Please check it out!

And CSN Stores has contacted me to do a product review. I'm excited because it's my first time doing one on this blog, and CSN Stores has lots of cool sites to choose from... you can find everything from shoes and handbags to end tables and decorations! Ip & Audrey has hosted giveaways with CSN Stores in the past, and I'm very excited to be working with this fabulous company once more. :)

So check back for that fun stuff... I've got more runway reviews coming up this week. I hope you're having a lovely Monday...


  1. I also have a serious case of the Mondays, add in this weather and blah. I would rather be in bed haha. Congrats on your feature!

  2. Congrats on the feature!

    I can't wait to see your review. I know it will be good :)

  3. I liked your interview, especially your reply to the "what is a fashionista" question!

  4. come by and enter by CSN stores give-way!!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~


Your visit means a lot to me. Thanks for stopping by! <3