Friday, December 31, 2010

Another year goes by...

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind...

Hard to believe it, but New Year's Eve is upon us! Thank you for sharing this year with me and my blog! Ip & Audrey has grown steadily over the past two years, and I have you to thank. Here's a look at my year in blogging, and a visual reminder that, despite my recent lack of outfit posts, I do have some sense of style, and actually do wear clothes! :)





Well, it looks like I'm definitely more of a summer blogger! Winter just isn't my season. ;) In summer, well, the days seem longer, so there's always a little more time to fit blogging in. There's my excuse. But I will strive to do better this winter... and get some new outfits posted, stat!

In these photos, you might have noticed the gradual lightening of my hair. New readers might be surprised to learn that I'm a natural blonde and went brown for a while, not the other way around. I'm slowly getting back to my roots (and believe me, blonde roots look funny with dark hair! I looked like Rogue from "X-Men"!), but it's taken a lot of patience, and quite a few salon visits!

Also, I'm guilty of the common fashion blogger sin: looking down. A lot. Maybe my New Years' resolution should be " make eye contact." I'm not promising anything, though! I like to keep these peepers hidden! Blue eyes are especially sensitive to light, and in outdoor photos, I tend to squint a lot! But I'm happy to note that the same pair of Loft sunglasses appeared in nearly every outfit post this year... talk about getting your money's worth!

Well, that's all for this year! So long, 2010! And thank you for your visits, comments and love! I hope peace and happiness find you and keep you in the New Year.


Erin Cathleen


  1. Blue-eyed squinters unite! ;)

    I always admire how wonderfully effortless your outfits are. Flowy, pretty, perfect!

    Happy New Year, dear!

  2. I think I joined your blog around the time you went awol from outfit posts, so it was nice to get a retrospective!

    I quite like the looking down thing. I'm unphotogenic enough to begin with without having to worry about whether one of my eyes if bigger than the other on a given day!

    Happy New Year, and looking forward to your blog in 2011!

  3. You look lovely all year round but I am more of a fan of your summer looks :)

    Happy New Year Erin, felicidades! :)

    PS: Looking at ones shoes is an iconic personal style blogger thing, so it is always nice!

  4. seventh one down in Summer is off Exchange street in Portland, right?!

    You look lovely all year round, looking down or no. happy new year!

  5. My fave are your pretty purple tights!! Hope you have a fabulous new year

    Miss Neira

  6. happy new year! i think most bloggers have winter blues because of dang daylight savings. 5:00 sundown is just no fun!

  7. love this style recap! happy new year!


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