Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas is coming?!?

My, but where did the time go? Oh, I know. I've been cramming studying vigilantly for the December LSAT. The test is this Saturday, and even though I've been prepping since September, I don't feel nearly as ready as I should. This is because I've been attempting to balance prep time with a full-time job and other stressors. But hey, that's life. There's never going to be an easy or convenient time to do everything, so I just need to get on with it! It's just one of those things... I know it's a big, important test and could seriously impact my future. Or not. I could always do something else. So I'm trying not to take it too seriously. It's like this one time in high school, when I accidentally signed up for the ASVAB instead of the pre-SAT, so I wound up sitting for it... and found out that, apparently, I have an aptitude for engineering. Which was hilarious to me, since I've always been your quintessential writer-y type. Needless to say, with my poor track record in math and science, I did not wind up pursuing an engineering degree! Anyway, no big deal; it was just a test. I've never been a strong test-taker but have always been a good student, so we'll see what happens. Even though it's been a good four, five years since I've taken any kind of exam (the perks of being a writing major!), I'm just going to chill out and do my best to rock that LSAT. In the face.

But goodness, I feel woefully unprepared for the holiday season! Time to start that Christmas shopping and making some serious holly and jolly. Ha. These elfin booties from Modcloth should help!They're adorably impractical and whimsical. But wouldn't they be sweet for opening presents around the tree? Or waiting under the mistletoe for that special someone? Or, heck, just running amok around the mall, pretending you're a Christmas elf? Want!

And, hey, Santa, this floral dress is pretty sweet, too. Just saying.

Totally not meaning to be a billboard for Modcloth here; their stuff is just too cute. And we bloggers all lurve them to pieces.

And Santa? While you're at it, you can absolutely come trim my Christmas tree with some decorations from Tiffany. And what not. Yeah.

So tell me! The holidays are HERE, people. Crazy. How do you deal?


  1. You rock that LSAT in the face! I'll be thinking of you!

    Those elfin booties are so you I can't stand it. Impractical? I think not!

    Ah, I caught your reference to ''Santa Baby.'' I'll continue with ''a '54 convertible, too. Light blue!'' :)

  2. Those shoes are AMAZING! The velvet trim... and they're not too high! Although actually everything is too high for me, unfortunately!

  3. I love all of these! Though I think I'd have to walk really slowly if I wore those shoes, thin heel... Anyway, Christmas is almost really here! Less than a week now!


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