Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fashion ballet

Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers in Black Swan.

Thanks to Black Swan, ballet style is finding its way back onto the center stage of fashion. Dancers and their lithe, graceful figures have long been envied and exalted by the fashion industry, but this spring, we're expected to see a lot more dance-inspired looks on both the runways and the streets. The New York Times recently highlighted this in a 'Ballerina Chic' slide show, where you can view the inspirations behind the costumes in Black Swan (designed by Rodarte) and glimpse how ballet was big in the Spring 2011 shows, and will therefore be all over retail in the coming months.

A department store opening in the U.K. last year, featuring a resplendent ballet theme.

Feeling the dance wear craze coming on? You can get started now... Just pop over to American Apparel for leotards and tights, dust off those old dance shoes and pull on a cozy shrug... You'll be pirouetting en pointe in no time!

Here are a few ballet-inspired looks I cooked up on Polyvore... I love seeing an array of pinks and grays in dance wear. Nothing screams "dancer off-duty" quite like a slouchy gray sweater, sweet ballet flats, and a giant pink bag!

Of course, I had to include a nod to the darker side of dance, as depicted in both "Swan Lake" and Black Swan's sinister version of the tragic tale...

But if you find Black Swan to be too twisted a portrayal of a dancer's life, why not look a decade back to Center Stage?

Nina Sayers, meet Jody Sawyer... Now who would win in a dance-off?

Center Stage is a much lighter take on the world of professional ballet, and is one of those films that's so bad, it's good! If you care more about costumes and dance sequences than actual acting, this flick is sure to delight!

An Academy Award winner it is not, but who needs Oscar when you've got happy feet? And, you know, a normal-ish psyche...

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to lace up the toe shoes and don some legwarmers... Dancing makes for great exercise, especially during the winter months when it's too cold to go outside (I'm a cold-weather wimp and won't work out in the snow... unless, of course, I'm skating!). So... Anybody dare to wear a tutu?


  1. I haven't seen Black Swan yet, it is coming to Portugal only in February, by that time I'll no longer be here, since I'm moving to London, and hopefully will be soon! But I can't wait to see it! I'm one of those girls who found ballet to late (at the age of 16) so I danced for two years, during the last two years of high-school. Though now I still love it and wish I could go watch ballets often!

    I follow you through bloglovin girlie, but will had you to gfc too right after I post this! Go comment on my giveaway post, one entry saying its from twitter and the other for the gfc, because I need to count each comment with a number. :)

  2. i LOVED center stage when i was younger. i have watched it soooo many times!

    i liked black swan quite a bit ... it was so dark, gothic, and creepy!

  3. I feel like I might have to see this film, although the preview basically scared me off a bit! And I'm delighted with the ballet-theme for the spring collections (the Chloe ones were just gorgeous). Actually, American Apparel has a very ballet-looking chiffon dress which I may indulge in...

  4. Whenever I see pretty ballet-inspired things I think of you!

  5. I can't wait to see the Black Swan. It looks so beautiful and I've always liked Natalie Portman so much. I also love the delicate clothes.

  6. i looove center stage. dying to see black swan- hopefully going with my friend on tues night. nice collages :)

  7. Hmm, interesting! I haven't seen Black Swan yet but I have the feeling EVERYBODY is going to we wearing ballerina-inspired attire soon. Good call on all of these items, especially the first group. I need more soft pink in my wardrobe.

  8. Haven't gotten out to see Black Swan Yet, but I loved Center Stage. I'm enough of a nerd that I went to see the guy who plays Charlie dance in Swan Lake at the American Ballet Theatre.


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