Monday, December 19, 2011

Bringing back the blogging!

Hi all!

I've missed my friends in the fashion world! Even though I no longer work in the field (I'm a full-time news reporter now!), I would like to dive back in, pick up where I left off, and immerse myself in the fashion blogging universe... if, of course, you'll have me! My hiatus was much-needed. The break wasn't for too long, thank goodness! I saw many of you over at my tumblr, This Gal Friday, so I don't feel as though I missed too much! :)

Blogging has always been a great outlet for me. As a professional writer, I tend to get bogged down with work, and miss the creative side (though I do have plenty of freedom at the newspaper where I work, and pretty much set my own schedule and chase my own story ideas each day). My intentions in bringing back Ip & Audrey are twofold: 1) to break back into the fashion industry, to perhaps transition to magazine editorial work and 2) to serve as a portfolio for my photography, fashion writing, and perhaps even my music. I am pursuing my music career on the side more and more; recently, I landed a paid gig that will see me performing at a large venue in Boston this spring, recording some tracks and touring India a year from now! I am an "indie" singer-songwriter-musician, however, and do not have a recording contract (but if that ever changes, hey, I won't complain!). Somehow, I'd like to continue climbing up the ladder as a reporter, whether I wind up at a fashion magazine, working for a fashion website again, reporting from red carpets and fashion shows or landing some TV work, I'm open to it all! The future, as always, is wide open, and I'm excited to embrace it all.

So, this blog is back and will see some changes, and I hope you'll be here to take this journey with me! Stay tuned. And if I don't see you soon, Happy Christmas!

Love love love,

P.S. Yes, the photo I posted is from last year; I cheated! New stuff coming SOON!

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