Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey mama, welcome to the sixties

Of course I'm talking about the warmer temperatures... and this retro-inspired jacket.

Urban Outfitters beret and sweater dress
Self Esteem jacket via Kohl's
Charlotte Russe viscose scarf
Paul + Joe for Target purse
Target (?) tights
Old Navy flats

This coat was another gift from my mom. She finds me the cutest things. I think the fun print works well with my equally retro pom-pom bag. Makes me feel like going downtown to the soda shoppe... or frolicking around a garden, singing sixties French pop. Ahhh.

I realize that spring is but hours away, and March is nearly over, and I have failed to do a "favorite things" post this month. So I'll get on that. Soon!

This weekend is a busy one. I'm trying to both tackle a cold (an unfortunate residual effect of the new nice weather, darn it) and rehearse a song and monologue for an audition on Sunday. Wish me luck!

Is spring emerging in your area?


  1. gorgeous coat!!!

    ps. visit my blog at:

  2. totally channeling the 60´S!
    spring arrived at it's full force today :D


  3. Hehe, Foux De Fa Fa is one of my favorite Flight of the Conchords songs.

    Lovely jacket. Your mother has such good taste :)

  4. i love it all! And the video too :) i just sent it to all of my friends.

  5. I love your coat! You look so 60s and so pretty!

  6. Your Mom has great taste ;)

    I've loved the great weather we've been having. 70 degrees, so in the mood for spring!

  7. Jacket beautiful..cant beleive you got it from Kohls!



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