Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rainy days and nights

The rain has finally stopped, though the day is still a bit cold and drizzly. I'm sick with chronic sinusitis (ew) and am about to start a second round of antibiotics. The sunshine and warm weather we're supposedly due to experience Easter weekend can't arrive soon enough! I'm hoping the solar charge will renew my strength, Superman-style. We shall see.

No new outfit posts till I'm healthy! Pale and red-nosed (though frequent) is not a good look for me. :P Instead... Polyvore! I'm afraid I too often let my little collages fill in all the blanks... when I've got nothing relevant to say... uhh... Polyvore!

This post does, however, reflect my mood. A little quirky, a little bluesy, with a dash of Lewis Carroll-esque whimsy stirred in for good measure. Drink me:

I never wrote my "Favorite Things: March." So I'll be lazy and combine months for a "Favorite Things: Spring." Then it's back to Green Cotton blogging, and hopefully some good news to share at the end of the week.

Everyone stay warm and dry! The sun is coming!


  1. i love that dress in the middle of the collage!

    i just got over a serious spring cold... i thought i'd never be able to breathe through my nose ever again...! i hope you feel better soon!

  2. Feel better soon, m'dear!

    Ahh, there's that cardigan I'm so tempted to recreate ;)

  3. oh I am in love with that cardigan!
    hope you're feeling better dear and hope you had a lovely easter!


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